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發布時間:2017/4/9 14:13:00 訪問次數:447 發布企業:深圳雙信達智能科技有限公司

Memtech電子盤/SSD電子盤一級代理是專業從事工業控制、嵌入式系統、數碼存儲等于整體方案解決、系統集成和產品分銷于一體的高新科技企業。多年來一直堅持以“向客戶提供先進的產品”為導向,以“客戶滿意”為主旨,經過幾年的追求與探索,公司已成功的發展成為一家面向工業制造、電力、交通、石油化工、軍事航天、醫療等行業全面提供了高可靠性的工控產品及自動化解決方案的平臺提供商。 商運達實業專注于工業控制領域,是一家向國內用戶與oem廠家提供板級、系統級的高可靠性工業計算機產品和服務的系統集成商和產品供應商。應用領域遍及各個行業,包括國防、航空航天、電力能源、鐵路、通訊、交通等工業自動化領域。商運達實業公司向用戶提供的工控產品為mbi、ii、ipc、cpci、pc104的各種cpu卡、i/o卡、通訊卡、工業機箱以及其它配套產品,以滿足用戶不同的應用需要。 商運達實業公司與國際著名工控廠商有著廣泛密切的合作,公司主要代理銷售美國Memtech公司固態電子盤;美國getac公司的強固型工業pc產品;美國ampro公司的pc104產品;美國xycom的工業一體機產品;美國intecolor的工業顯示器;美國ziatech、瑞士gespac的compactpci;美國fieldworks和amrel公司的加固型車載、便攜式計算機,各種數據采集卡,i/o卡,1553b卡,429卡,422卡,以及美國amc公司的pwm伺服放大器產品,美國bei公司高精度角速度傳感器等。 公司有著實力雄厚的技術隊伍,有從事mb、pc104、ipc多年的工程技術人員,能為用戶提供從產品到技術服務,以及應用工程解決方案等增值服務。可以為用戶提供基于intel video conference產品的遠程辦公、遠程醫療、遠程教學從應用到集成的全方位的解決方案。商運達實業公司全體員工致力于與用戶建立從設計到應用的合作伙伴關系,發展新型企業文化,攜手共闖一個新的it世界。

Headquartered inSan Jose, CA, Memtech takes storage to the extreme with its ultra rugged and reliable solid state flash drives. Featuring the Kicker™ Hold Up Circuit for unparalleled data security, high write endurance, low profile and cached speeds to deliver high quality solid state flash drive solutions. In more than a decade, Memtech has served hundreds of solutions integrators and contractors in the government, military, aerospace, energy, manufacturing, transportation and telecommunications sectors. Its products are in use in submarines, space vehicles, aircraft carriers, high altitude balloons, high speed locomotives, oil and gas pipelines, drilling rigs, weapons systems, mining equipment, combat aircraft, manufacturing and smelting plants, digital switching, routing and networking systems, as well as scientific expeditions to remote regions of the world. Its drive products are made to order in the U.S.A. and are designed for low power consumption in critical operating conditions, built to withstand extreme temperature, pressure, moisture, shock, vibration and power loss. Each drive is guaranteed for life and goes through a rigorous five-step EnduroTest™ procedure. Memtech offers unparalleled levels of customer service and has shipped tens of thousands SCSI and IDE solid state flash drives.

Our IDE, SCSI & SATA Solid State Flash Drive Products

1.8" IDE Solid State Flash Drives:
New! • MACH - 1.8" Parallel ATA Solid State Flash Drive
• AT1830 Mustang - 1.8" IDE Solid State Flash Drive

2.5" IDE, SCSI & SATA Solid State Flash Drives:
New! • Z2S Zeus - 2.5" SATA Solid State Flash Drive
New! • Z2A Zeus - 2.5" IDE Solid State Flash Drive
• AT2550 Wolverine - 2.5" IDE Solid State Flash Drive
• AT2515 Bulldog - 2.5" IDE Solid State Flash Drive
EOL • SC2500 Stinger - 2.5" SCSI Solid State Flash Drive

3.5" IDE, SCSI & SATA Solid State Flash Drives:
New! • ZeusIOPS - 3.5" Fibre Channel Solid State Drive
New! • Z3F Zeus - 3.5" Fibre Channel Solid State Flash Drive
• AT3550 Wolverine - 3.5" IDE Solid State Flash Drive
• AT3515 Bulldog - 3.5" IDE Solid State Flash Drive
EOL • AT3500 Mammoth - 3.5" IDE Solid State Flash Drive
EOL • SC35 Mastodon - 3.5" SCSI Solid State Flash Drive

Customized Solid State Flash Drives:

1.8" FFD



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