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發布時間:2017/6/9 15:13:00 訪問次數:484 發布企業:深圳市哲瀚電子科技有限公司

SY8142 - High Efficiency 4-15Vin, 2A Sync Buck Regulator 主要特點 Low RDS(ON) for internal switches (top/bottom)150/100 mΩ, 4-15V input voltage range 800kHz switching frequency Internal softstart limits the inrush current 2% 0.6V reference RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free Compact package: SO8

主要應用 SY8142 Typical Application" alt=" Typical Application" class="subbox" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font-style:inherit;font-variant:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-stretch:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;font-family:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;width:450px;" /> 概述

The SY8142 is a high efficiency 800 KHz synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable of delivering 2A output current. SY8142 operates over a wide input voltage range from 4V to 15V and integrate main switch and synchronous switch with very low RDS(ON) to minimize the conduction loss.

Low output voltage ripple and small external inductor and capacitor sizes are achieved with 800kHz switching frequency.


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