專注LED驅動芯片,電源管理芯片 MOS管的代理和銷售,
代理優勢產品:PT4115 PT4205 PT4238 PT4240 PT4516 PT4121 PT4110
SM2315 SM2082 SM7523CL6807 CL6808 CL1221 CL1503 CL1570
BP9833 BP2857 BP3216 BP3216 BP2836 BP2851 BP5901 BP1360
MP24894 MP6901 MP6907 MP2494 MP2459 MP4026 JW1221 LS8808 AL8808
黃小姐:13798271752 QQ:745730174
The MP6907 is a low-drop diode emulator controller IC that, when combined with
an external MOSFET, can replace Schottky diodes in high-efficiency flyback
converters. The MP6907 regulates the forward drop of an external switch to about
70mV, which switches off once the voltage becomes negative.
The MP6907
provides a SYNC interface to receive an external signal to shut down the gate
driver for reliable continuous conduction mode (CCM) operation. A programmable
light-load sleep mode can reduce the IC’s quiescent current to ~150μA.
MP6907 is available in compact SOIC8 and TSOT23-6 packages.
呂紹旭表示,臺灣照明產業發展歷史悠久,進入LED照明產業廠商眾多且以中小型企業型態發展為主,多數是從傳統照明逐漸導入 LED照明產品的廠商,也有直接以LED照明進入照明市場的廠商, 或是從LED元件與照明相關零組件廠商跨足LED照明應用的公司。