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HDC2010YPAR 低功耗溫濕度數字傳感器

發布時間:2017/9/25 9:44:00 訪問次數:591

燁弘軒電子最新到貨 有最新批號 朱生 13410068358 微信同號 可提供樣品 批量 方案 技術資料 技術支持 竭誠為您提供優質服務。需要查詢更多產品 www.yhx-group.com 。

HDC2010YPAR HDC2010YPAT 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格



The HDC2010 is an integrated humidity and temperature sensor that provides high accuracy measurements with very low power consumption, in an ultra-compact WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Package). The sensing element of the HDC2010 is placed on the bottom part of the device, which makes the HDC2010 more robust against dirt, dust, and other environmental contaminants. The capacitive-based sensor includes new integrated digital features and a heating element to dissipate condensation and moisture. The HDC2010 digital features include programmable interrupt thresholds to provide alerts/system wakeups without requiring a microcontroller to be continuously monitoring the system. This, combined with programmable sampling intervals, low inherent power consumption, and support for 1.8V supply voltage, make the HDC2010 well suited for battery-operated systems.

The HDC2010 provides high accuracy measurement capability for a wide range of environmental monitoring applications and Internet of Things (IoT) such as smart thermostats, smart home assistants and wearables. The HDC2010 can also be used to provide critical temperature and humidity data for cold chain transportation and storage of perishable goods to help ensure products like food and pharma- ceuticals arrive fresh.

The HDC2010 is factory-calibrated to 0.2°C temperature accuracy and 2% relative humidity accuracy and includes a heating element to burn away condensation and moisture for increased reliability. The HDC2010 supports operation from -40°C to 125°C and from 0% to 100% relative humidity.


Relative Humidity Range 0% to 100%

Humidity Accuracy ±2%

Sleep Current 50nA

Average Supply Current (1 measurement per second)

RH only (11 bit) 300nA

RH (11 bit) + Temperature (11 bit) 550nA

Temperature Range:

Operating: –40°C to 85°C

Functional: –40°C to 125°C

Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C typ.

Supply Voltage: 1.62 V to 3.6 V

Automatic Sampling Rate (5 Hz, 2 Hz, 1 Hz, 0.2 Hz, 0.1 Hz, 1/60 Hz, 1/120 Hz) or On Demand

I2C Interface

深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司,我司2011年成立于中國經濟特區深圳.我司專注于為全球電子企業提供優質的電子零件供應服務,竭力打造全球品牌元器件零售與批量供應中心。專業經營各類電子元器件(集成電路IC,存儲芯片,分立器件,電源,無源元件,連接器,繼電器,傳感器,光電子,開關,保險元件,緊固件,開發工具,變壓器,測試與測量等)。 我們以低成本提供全方位一站式電子元件供應鏈采購方案,包括但不僅限于電子元件緊急物料搜尋,電子元件齊套供應、電子元件降低成本的長期供應,庫存寄售等一系列供應鏈解決方案。優勢供應各類電子組件.


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主營 : 主動電子元器件 集成電路 IC 芯片 (AD TI MAX NXP ST LT XILINX ALTERA)等。


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銷售經理:朱宜華 深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 深圳市福田區上步工業區204棟5樓東座516室

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