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發布時間:2017/11/2 9:35:00 訪問次數:579 發布企業:深圳雙信達智能科技有限公司

Categories Detection gas SB SeriesSB Series
Model SP SeriesSP Series
Gas detectors CO and methane SB-95-12PDF  
Fuel gas SB-11A-00PDF SP-11-00PDF
Methane SB-12A-00PDF SP-12A-00PDF
Propane/butane SB-15-00PDF SP-15A-00PDF
Carbon monoxide SB-500-12PDF  
Hydrogen SB-19-00PDF SP-19-01PDF
Organic solvents SB-30-00PDF SP-31-00PDF
Refrigerant Freon(R-22) SB-41-00PDF SP-41-00PDF
Freon(R-134a, R-410a, R-407C) SB-42A-00PDF SP-42A-00PDF
Ammonia   SP-53A-00
(High conc.)PDF
(Low conc.)PDF
Environmental monitoring Carbon monoxide SB-500-12PDF  
Ozone   SP-61-00
Nitrogen oxides   SP-62(under development)
Fuel cell Hydrogen SB-42A-11  
Methane SB-12A-00PDF SP-12A-00PDF
Portable checkers Breath SB-EN3-02  
Alcohol SB-EN2-02
Indoor air quality General purpose SB-AQ1-06PDF SP3-AQ2-01PDF
CO2 SB-AQ6A-00  
Gas and CO2 SB-AQ6B-00 SP6-AQ6-00
Air damper control in automobiles Gasoline exhaust gas SB-AD3-00  
Diesel exhaust gas SB-AD2-00  
spacer Semiconductor gas sensors have such features as "small size", "high sensitivity", "low price", "long life", and "maintenance free" and widely used mainly in the consumer markets.
In addition to such features, FiS has realized a miniture size small power consumption gas sensor that can be used in a battery operated device.
The single sensor can differentiate and detect several type of gases with an unique signal processing and sensor driving method.
Furthermore, the improved sensing material has realized carbon dioxide detection, which was assumed to be impossible with semiconductor gas sensors.

The above mentioned various innovation for production technology, signal processing method, and sensing material research is developing the FiS gas sensor application fields.
FiS innovative sensing technology has yielded the products below: (1) Safety field ・Battery operated CO alarm ・Battery operated LP detector in a gas storage station ・Combined fire, gas, and CO alarm; Fire (temperature) + gas leak (town gas) + incomplete combustion (CO)
etc. (2) Environmental field ・Battery operated air monitor built in a remote controller ・Air conditioner with an air purifier ・Home use air purifiers ・Ventilation with carbon monoxide monitor ・Air damper controller in automobiles ・Ozone monitor ・Odor analyzer (3) Health field ・Breath odor checker ・Breath alcohol checker
spacer SAFETY
spacer spacer
Home gas alarms Natural gas alarms LP-Gas alarms CO detection CO alarm for home Fire/overheating monitoring for home electric wiring welectrical appliances Kerosene/gas heaters Combustion control CO detection
  Gas detection systems Flammable gases Toxic gases
  Solvents Freon Portable gas detectors Leak detector Toxic gas detector Fire detection systems

  LP-gas detector

CO detector

Gasoline vapor detection

Hydrogen detection (fuel cell)





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