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ISO1211D 設備隔離24 v 60伏數字輸入接收器,

發布時間:2017/11/4 9:36:00 訪問次數:478

燁弘軒電子最新到貨 有最新批號 朱生 13410068358 微信同號 可提供樣品 批量 方案 技術資料 技術支持 竭誠為您提供優質服務。需要查詢更多產品 www.yhx-group.com 。

數字隔離器 ISO1211D ISO1211DR 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格



The ISO1211 and ISO1212 devices are isolated 24-V to 60-V digital input receivers, compliant to IEC 61131-2 Type 1, 2, and 3 characteristics, suitable for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and motor-control digital input modules. Unlike traditional optocoupler solutions with discrete, imprecise current limiting circuitry, the ISO121x devices provide a simple, low-power solution with an accurate current limit to enable the design of compact and high-density I/O modules. These devices do not require field-side power supply and are configurable as sourcing or sinking inputs.

The ISO121x devices operate over the supply range of 2.25 V to 5.5 V, supporting 2.5-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V controllers. A ±60-V input tolerance with reverse polarity protection helps ensure the input pins are protected in case of faults with negligible reverse current. These devices support up to 4-Mbps data rates passing a minimum pulse width of 150 ns for high-speed operation. The ISO1211 device is ideal for designs that require channel-to-channel isolation and the ISO1212 device is ideal for multichannel space-constrained designs.

The ISO121x devices reduce component count, simplify system design, and reduce board temperatures compared to traditional solutions. For details, refer to the How To Simplify Isolated 24-V PLC Digital Input Module DesignsTI TechNote.


Compliant to IEC 61131-2; Type 1, 2, 3 Characteristics

Accurate Current Limit for Low-Power Dissipation:

2.2 mA to 2.47 mA for Type 3

Adjustable up to 6.5 mA

Eliminates the Need for Field-Side Power Supply

High Input-Voltage Range With Reverse Polarity Protection: ±60 V

Configurable as Sourcing or Sinking Input

High Data Rates: Up to 4 Mbps

High Transient Immunity: ±70-kV/μs CMTI

Wide Supply Range (VCC1): 2.25 V to 5.5 V

Ambient Temperature Range: –40°C to +125°C

Compact Package Options:

Single-Channel ISO1211, SOIC-8

Dual-Channel ISO1212, SSOP-16

Safety-Related Certifications:

Basic Insulation per DIN V VDE V 0884-10

UL 1577 Recognition, 2500-VRMS Insulation

CSA, CQC, TUV Certificates Available

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