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發布時間:2017/11/4 14:49:00 訪問次數:315 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

MAX809STRG 0755-82713782, 13590238352黃小姐。 The MAX809 and MAX810 are cost−effective system supervisor circuits designed to monitor V CC in digital systems and provide a reset signal to the host processor when necessary. No external components are required. The reset output is driven active within 10 msec of V CC falling through the reset voltage threshold. Reset is maintained active for a timeout period which is trimmed by the factory after V CC rises above the reset threshold. The MAX810 has an active−high RESET output while the MAX809 has an active−low RESET output. Both devices are available in SOT−23 and SC−70 packages. The MAX809/810 are optimized to reject fast transient glitches on the V CC line. Low supply current of 0.5 mA (V CC = 3.2 V) makes these





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