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高達3 a負載電流從0.5 v至3.8 v MAX20074ATBA/V+ 高效開關式家庭

發布時間:2017/11/7 9:47:00 訪問次數:624

燁弘軒電子最新到貨 有最新批號 朱生 13410068358 微信同號 可提供樣品 批量 方案 技術資料 技術支持 竭誠為您提供優質服務。需要查詢更多產品 www.yhx-group.com 。

MAX20074ATBA/V+ MAX20074ATBA/V+T MAX20074EVKIT# Step-Down DC-DC Converters 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格



The MAX20073/MAX20074 high-efficiency switching regulator family delivers up to 3A load current from 0.5V to 3.8V. The devices operate from an input voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V, making them ideal for on-board point-of-load and post-regulation applications. Total output error is less than ±1.5% over load, line, and temperature.

The devices feature fixed-frequency PWM mode of operation, with a 2.2MHz switching frequency. High-frequency operation enables an all-ceramic capacitor design and small external components.

The low-resistance on-chip switches ensure high efficiency at heavy loads while minimizing critical inductances, making the layout a much simpler task with respect to discrete solutions. Following a simple layout and footprint ensures first-pass success in new designs.

The devices provide an enable input, spread-spectrum enable input, and active-low RESET output. The output voltage can be preset at the factory to allow customers to achieve ±1.5% output-voltage accuracy without using expensive 0.1% external resistors. In addition, the output voltage can be set to any customer value by using two external resistors at the feedback with 0.5V internal reference. The device offers a fixed 0.85ms soft-start time.

The 10-pin TDFN exposed pad devices include overtemperature shutdown and overcurrent limiting. All devices are designed to operate over the -40°C to +125°C ambient temperature range.


High-Feature Set in Ultra-Small Footprint

High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter

Up to 3A Output Current

2.7V to 5.5V Operating Supply Voltage

Resistor-Adjustable or Factory-Preset Output Voltage

Synchronizable, 2.2MHz Switching-Frequency Enable Input

Active-Low RESET Output

Spread-Spectrum Enable Input

Forced-PWM and Skip Modes

Current-Mode Architecture

3mm × 3mm × 0.85mm 10-Pin TDFN

High Precision

107% Overvoltage Monitor

93% Undervoltage Monitor

±1.5% Output-Voltage Accuracy

Excellent Load Transient Performance

Overtemperature and Short-Circuit Protection

-40°C to +125°C Operating Temperature Range




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深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 為一般納稅人 可開具17%增值稅票 有合作基礎可申請月結,延長賬期等多種供貨付款方式。


公司經營目標:整合全球資源全 芯 全意為您服務。



主營 : 主動電子元器件 集成電路 IC 芯片 (AD TI MAX NXP ST LT XILINX ALTERA)等。


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銷售經理:朱宜華 深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 深圳市福田區上步工業區204棟5樓東座516室

電話: 0755-82548684 多線

傳真: 0755-82523504

手機: 13410068358

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郵箱: zyh1818118@126.com



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