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A6213KLJTR-T Switching regulator

發布時間:2017/11/21 16:40:00 訪問次數:742

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A6213 switching regulator is a single IC chip, can provide constant current output to drive the high power LED. A6214 integration can be used to dc-dc buck the conversion of high side N channel DMOS switch. Use by loop output real average current conduction time method.

Users can use the output current current induced resistance selection. Can according to the number of leds in LED string automatically adjust the output voltage. To ensure the best efficiency of implementation system.

LED dimming able to pin point through the direct logic input pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to complete. The equipment adopts the small 8 pin narrow SOIC package (suffix LJ), and install a naked cooling plate, in order to improve the heat dissipation function. The encapsulated as lead (Pb) packaging, using 100% fog box tin plating pin.


Car lights:

Daytime running lights

Before and after the fog lamps

Steering/brake lights

Map light

Adjustable light car lights

AEC - Q100 certification

The power supply voltage 6 to 48 v

The real average output current control

Working temperature range of maximum output current 3.0 A

(1.5 A6213-1 A)

By current limit cycles

Integrated MOSFET switch

Through direct logic dimming input or supply voltage

Internal control loop compensation

Under-voltage lockout (UVLO) and thermal shutdown protection

Low power shutdown (1 mu A typical values)

Provide the following robust protection:

Short circuit between adjacent pins

Pin grounding short circuit

Open/short circuit fault

A6213KLJ-1-T 8-lead SOIC -40°C to 125°C

A6213KLJTR-1-T 8-lead SOIC -40°C to 125°C

A6213KLJTR-T 8-lead SOIC -40°C to 125°C

APEK6213KLJ-01-MH DEMO BOARD -40°C to 125°C



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