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MAX30001EVSYS provides a single platform

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The MAX30001 evaluation system (EV system) provides a single platform to evaluate the functionality and features of the MAX30001 with Biopotential (ECG, R-to-R, and Pace Detection) and Bioimpedance (BioZ) measurement capabilities. The EV system includes a MAX30001 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a MAX32630FTHR Cortex-M4F microcontroller for wearables. The MAX32630FTHR provides power to the MAX30001 EV kit and contains the firmware necessary to use the EV kit GUI program. The EV kit ships with jumpers installed and supply voltages set to typical operating values. Optional connections exist which can be shunted to make use of different functionalities.

This EV system is not a medical device.

Convenient Platform to Evaluate the MAX30001

Many Easy-to-Reach Test Points

Measure Individual Supply Currents

Touchproof Cable Connectors

Windows® 7/8/10 Compatible GUI software

Fully Assembled and Tested

Facilitates IEC 60601-2-47 Compliance Testing

Ultra-Low-Power Design





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