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發布時間:2017/11/24 10:55:00 訪問次數:766 發布企業:深圳市哲瀚電子科技有限公司

The OCH177 Omnipolar Hall-effect Sensor IC is fabricated from mixed signal CMOS technology. It is comprised of two Hall

plates and a CMOS output driver, mainly designed for battery-operation, hand-held equipment (such as Cellular and Cordless

Phone, PDA). The total power consumption in normal operation is typically 24μW with a 3V power source. Either north or

south poles of sufficient strength will turn the output on. The output will be turned off under no magnetic field. While the

magnetic flux density (B) is larger than operating point (BOP), the output will be turned on (low), the output is held until B

is lower than release point (BRP), and then turned off.
The OCH177 is available in many flexible packaging options, such as DFN1216-4L. Operating temperature range of the

OCH177 is from -40°C to 85°C.
To minimize the BOM cost, capacitors of the MLCC type are supported, and only one external component are needed to

complete the application circuit.


z Micro power consumption ideal for battery-powered applications

z Omnipolar (operation with magnetic field of either north or south pole), easy to use as output switches with both North

and South pole

z Input Voltage Range: 2.4V to 5.5V

z Very High Sensitivity Hall Sensor

z Chopper stabilized amplifier stage

z Good RF noise immunity

z DFN1216-4L package z ESD (HBM) > 4KV

z Not need the push-high resistance



z Cover switch in clam-shell cellular phones

z Cover switch in Notebook PC/PDA

z Contact-less switch in consumer products

z Solid State Switch

zHandheld Wireless Handset Awake Switch

z Lid close sensor for battery-powered devise

z Magnet proximity sensor for reed switch replacement in low duty cycle applications

全球微電子技術公司——邁來芯(Melexis)宣布推出新系列微型遠紅外(FIR)傳感器,適用于需要進行精確溫度測量的多種應用。 MLX90632系列基于邁來芯成熟的FIR技術——采用每個物體都會發出熱輻射的原理。超小型集成熱電堆CMOS IC是一款采用3x3x1mmQFN封裝,包含傳感器元件、信號處理、數字接口和光學器件在內的完整解決方案,可以快速簡單地集成到各種現代應用中。 該高精度器件在經歷熱梯度和快速溫度變化時可提供高水平的熱穩定性,解決了現有紅外傳感器眾所周知的弱點。此外,它還提供與標準PCB組裝技術兼容的表貼型(SMD)封裝。 MLX90632系列的第一個民用級產品現已發布。后續的MLX90632產品將針對如醫療等要求非常嚴格的應用。

智能設備制造商可以通過精確溫度測量來實現產品的差異化。邁來芯在這款產品中集成了光學鏡頭從而可減少視場角(FOV),因此可實現更高的工作距離和更精準的測量精度。 MLX90632可以被用于必須對溫度進行精確測量的任何應用,特別是在熱動態環境以及可用空間有限的應用場景下。因此,潛在應用包括白色和黑色家電,智能恒溫器、服務器機房的室內溫度監控,或集成到平板電腦和智能手機等便攜式電子設備中。 邁來芯溫度傳感器市場營銷經理Joris Roels評論道:“邁來芯公司現已出貨數百萬個紅外溫度傳感器件。這顆新IC基于我們世界一流的專業技術,代表了我們路線圖中的一個重要里程碑。MLX90632在許多應用中將是一種顛覆性的傳感技術,這使領先的制造商能夠實現他們應用的差異化,并滿足當前和未來最終客戶的需求。”











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