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MAX40010EVKIT# MAX40010 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
The MAX40010 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX40010 dual-channel, highprecision, high-voltage, current-sense amplifier. This EV kit demonstrates the MAX40010 in a 5-PIN SOT-23 package.
The EV kit PCB comes with a MAX40010TAWT+ installed, which is the 20V/V gain version. Other gain options are available. Contact the factory for the pin-compatible MAX40010LAWT+ (G = 12.5V/V), MAX40010FAWT+ (G = 50V/V), and MAX40010HAWT+ (G = 100V/V).
關鍵特性Precision, Real-Time Current Monitoring
+2.7V to +76V Input Common-Mode Range
Proven PCB Layout
Fully Assembled and Tested