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MAX32625PICO# MAX32625PICO有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
The MAX32625PICO board is a rapid development platform designed to help engineers quickly implement designs with the MAX32625 ARM®Cortex®-M4 microcontroller with FPU. The board also includes the MAX14750 PMIC to provide all the needed voltages. The form factor is a small: 0.6in x 1.0in dual-row header footprint that is compatible with breadboards and can also be soldered down SMT to another board. The board includes a 10-pin ARM Cortex debug connector so that it can be used as a DAPLink adapter. Additionally, on board are an RGB indicator LED and pushbutton. This provides a power-optimized flexible platform for quick proofs-ofconcept and early software development to enhance time to market.
The MAX32625PICO board ships with a DAPLink image loaded that provides the USB Mass Storage Device (MSD) drag-and-drop programming, USB Communications Device Class (CDC) virtual serial port, and Human Interface Device (HID) CMSIS-DAP interface used by the mbed site. This allows the board to be connected to another target platform to enable the full mbed experience. The microcontroller is also programmed with a bootloader allowing the DAPLink image to be updated or replaced with your own application code. Get started developing on this board by going to this lin
Ultra-Compact Development Platform
0.6in x 1.0in, 20-Pin DIP Footprint
Cortex Debug Connector (Host)
20 Digital I/O, 4 Analog Inputs
3.3V and 1.8V Supplies
MAX326325 Microcontroller Features
ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller with FPU, 96MHz
512KB Flash Memory
8KB Instruction Cache
Full-Speed USB 2.0
Three SPI Masters, One Slave
Two I2C Masters, One Slave
Three UARTs
1-Wire Master
40 GPIOs
Four Input 10-Bit ADC
Micro IQ3.3V Buck-Boost Regulator
Micro IQ1.8V Buck Regulators
Micro IQ1.2V Linear Regulators
High-Side Load Switch
Expansion Connections
Breadboard-Compatible Headers
SMT-Compatible Footprint
10-Pin Cortex Debug Header
Micro USB Connector
Integrated Peripherals
RGB Indicator LED
User Pushbutton
MAXDAP Programming Adapter
DAPLink Over Cortex Debug Cable
Drag-and-Drop Programming
USB Virtual UART