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MAX77650EVKIT 完全組裝和測試印刷電路板

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The MAX77650 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested printed circuit board (PCB) that demonstrates the MAX77650/MAX77651. The EV kit allows for easy evaluation of the various MAX77650/MAX77651 features, including the SIMO buck-boost regulator, linear regulator, analog multiplexer, smart battery charger, on/off controller, and I2C interface.

The MAX77650 and MAX77651 EV kits are identical aside from the device (U1), silkscreen, and two resistive dividers at the SIMO outputs (see the MAX77650/MAX77651 EV Kit Differences section). The MAX77650/MAX77651 devices themselves have different output voltage ranges for the SIMO buck-boost regulator. Consult the device data sheet for more information.

Windows®-based software provides a user-friendly graphical interface as well as a detailed register-based interface to exercise the features of the MAX77650/MAX77651.

Easy to Use

GUI Drives I2C Interface

On-Board Ammeter

On-Board Thermistor

On-Key Options

RGB LED Cluster

Assembled and Fully Tested

Emulates System Loading

On-Board Electronic Loads

Electronic Loads have steady-state, transient, and random modes

Demonstrates End-to-End Analog Multiplexer Implementation

On-Board ADC

Evaluates Both Push-Button and Slider-Switch On-Key Options





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