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MAX2181AEVKIT# 評估工具包

發布時間:2017/12/5 14:47:00 訪問次數:293

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MAX2181AEVKIT# MAX2181A 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格


The MAX2181A evaluation kit (EV kit) simplifies evaluation of the MAX2181A FM low-noise amplifier. The EV kit enables testing of the device’s features and performance and does not require additional support circuitry or software. The signal input and output use SMA connectors to facilitate connection of RF test equipment.

The EV kit is fully assembled with the device on board and incorporates input matching components for the U.S. FM broadcast band.


Easy Evaluation of the MAX2181A

RF Input and Output Matched to 50Ω

Proven PCB Layout

Fully Assembled and Tested






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