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MAX20733EVKIT# 集成的、高效的開關式應用程序

發布時間:2017/12/11 11:58:00 訪問次數:462

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MAX20733EPL+T MAX20733EVKIT# MAX20733EPL+ 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格


The MAX20733 is a fully integrated, highly efficient switching regulator for applications operating from 4.5V to 16V and requiring up to 35A maximum load. This singlechip regulator provides extremely compact, high-efficiency power-delivery solutions with high-precision output voltages and excellent transient respondse for networking, datacom, and telecom equipment.

The IC offers a broad range of programmable features through capacitors and resistors connected to dedicated programming pins. Using this feature, the operation can be optimized for a specific application, reducing the component count- and/or setting-appropriate trade-offs between the regulator's performance and system cost. Ease of programming enables using the same design for multiple applications.

The MAX20733 includes protection capabilities. Positive and negative cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection and overtemperature protection ensure a rugged design. Input undervoltage lockout shuts down the device to prevent operation when the input voltage is out of specification. A status pin provides an output signal to show that the output voltage is within range and the system is regulating.

High Power Density and Low Component Count

Overall Solution Size: 509mm2Including Inductor and Output Capacitors

90.8% Peak Efficiency: VDDH= 12V and VOUT= 1V

Fast Transient Response: Supports Up to 300A/μs Load Step Transients

Optimized Component Performance and Efficiency with Reduced Design-In Time

Increased Power-Supply Reliability with System anIC Self-Protection Features

Differential Remote Sense with Open-Circuit Detection

Hiccup Overcurrent Protection

Programmable Thermal Shutdown











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