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MAX9276ACOAXEVKIT# MAX9276A 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格


The MAX9276A coax evaluation kits (EV kit) provide a proven design to evaluate the MAX9276A/ MAX9280A high-bandwidth gigabit multimedia serial link (GMSL) deserializers with spread spectrum and fullduplex control channel with the use of a standard FAKRA coaxial cable. The EV kit also includes Windows XP®-, Windows Vista®-, and Windows 7-compatible software that provides a simple graphical-user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the device. The EV kit comes with a MAX9276A or MAX9280A installed.

For complete GMSL evaluation, using a standard FAKRA coaxial cable, order the MAX9276A/MAX9280A coax EV kit and a companion serializer board (MAX9275/MAX9279 coax EV kit referenced in this document). For evaluating with STP cable, also order the MAXCOAX2STP-HSD adapter kit and refer to its data sheet. Only one adapter kit is required per link, connecting the serializer and deserializer (SerDes) boards.

Accepts 24-Bit or 32-Bit Parallel Video

Windows XP-, Windows Vista-, and Windows 7-Compatible Software

USB-PC Connection (Cable Included)

USB Powered

Proven PCB Layout

Fully Assembled and Tested









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