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發布時間:2017/12/25 18:23:00 訪問次數:369 發布企業:深圳市哲瀚電子科技有限公司

The OCH177 Omnipolar Hall-effect Sensor IC is fabricated from mixed signal CMOS technology. It is comprised of two Hall

plates and a CMOS output driver, mainly designed for battery-operation, hand-held equipment (such as Cellular and Cordless

Phone, PDA). The total power consumption in normal operation is typically 24μW with a 3V power source. Either north or

south poles of sufficient strength will turn the output on. The output will be turned off under no magnetic field. While the

magnetic flux density (B) is larger than operating point (BOP), the output will be turned on (low), the output is held until B

is lower than release point (BRP), and then turned off.
The OCH177 is available in many flexible packaging options, such as DFN1216-4L. Operating temperature range of the

OCH177 is from -40°C to 85°C.
To minimize the BOM cost, capacitors of the MLCC type are supported, and only one external component are needed to

complete the application circuit.


z Micro power consumption ideal for battery-powered applications

z Omnipolar (operation with magnetic field of either north or south pole), easy to use as output switches with both North

and South pole

z Input Voltage Range: 2.4V to 5.5V

z Very High Sensitivity Hall Sensor

z Chopper stabilized amplifier stage

z Good RF noise immunity

z DFN1216-4L package z ESD (HBM) > 4KV

z Not need the push-high resistance



z Cover switch in clam-shell cellular phones

z Cover switch in Notebook PC/PDA

z Contact-less switch in consumer products

z Solid State Switch

zHandheld Wireless Handset Awake Switch

z Lid close sensor for battery-powered devise

z Magnet proximity sensor for reed switch replacement in low duty cycle applications











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