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OM-K-SK OM-K-AK OM-K-MK 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Onion Omega2 Project Kits are designed to get you started with IoT development. Each Kit includes an Omega2+, an Expansion Dock, and a variety of electronics components that belong in the collection of every student of IoT, packaged up in a self-contained carrying case.There are currently three Omega2 Project Kits available:
Omega2 Starter Kit (OM-K-SK) includes Omega2+ Module, Expansion Dock, Wall Charger, USB Micro-B Cable, and everything you need to create 8 circuits that will teach you how to control LEDs, read inputs, control and read external sensors and displays, learn Python, and much more.
Omega2 Maker Kit (OM-K-MK) includes everything from the Starter Kit and the Relay, Servo, and OLED Expansion Boards. The Omega2 Maker Kit allows you to build the same circuits as in the Starter Kit and conduct 8 additional experiments using the Onion Expansions, including how to control servos, use an H-bridge to control a DC motor, write text and images to the OLED display, and control other high-powered circuits with the Relay Expansion.
Omega2 Arduino Starter Kit (OM-K-AK) includes Omega2+ Module, Arduino Dock 2, Wall Charger, USB Micro-B Cable, and everything you need to build 11 circuits that will teach you how to control LEDs, read digital and analog inputs, read data from a variety of different sensors, and control external components and displays. The included Arduino Dock 2 allows you to supercharge your projects by combining the familiar Arduino platform with the power and connectivity of the
OM-K-SK 制造商: Onion
產品種類: 開發板和工具包 - 其他處理器
系列: Kits
產品: Starter Kits
核心: MIPS
工具用于評估: Omega2
商標: Onion
工廠包裝數量: 1
單位重量: 725.747 g
OM-K-AK 制造商: Onion
產品種類: 開發板和工具包 - 其他處理器
系列: Kits
產品: Starter Kits
核心: MIPS
工具用于評估: Omega2
描述/功能: Arduino dock starter kit
商標: Onion
工廠包裝數量: 1
單位重量: 887.339 g
OM-K-MK 制造商: Onion
產品種類: 開發板和工具包 - 其他處理器
系列: Kits
產品: Development Kits
核心: MIPS
工具用于評估: Omega2+
商標: Onion
工廠包裝數量: 1
零件號別名: KIT MAKER
單位重量: 776.776 g