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VB12-0000-1000-C0-PK 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
UDOO BLU Sense Module is a ZigBee and 6LoWPAN device carrying the TI CC2650 processor and the NXP FXAS21002C gyroscope. The BLU module is also a wireless I/O extension for IOT projects and extremely small in size. This BLU module is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device with three user-configurable LEDs (red, green, and yellow). The BLU sense module is compatible with all UDOO boards. This module comes with 8 digital GPIOs, 6 available ADCs, battery holder CR 2032 external power supply, and 2 buttons. The BLU Sense Module features multi-standard 2.4GHz ultra-low power consumption and integrated sensors. The BLU sense module is available with snap-in connectors to allow a cascade configuration with the UDOO BRICKS.
Texas Instruments CC2650 Arm® Cortex M3 up to 48MHz processor
FXAS21002C Gyroscope+Temperature
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
ZigBee and 6LoWPAN
9-axis motion sensors
Sensors snap-in I2C connector for UDOO Bricks
Extremely small size
Three user configurable LEDs (red, yellow, and green)
8 digital GPIOs
6 available ADC's
2 buttons
2.4GHz frequency
5.5V operating supply voltage
45mm x 35mm (1.77-inch x 1.37-inch) dimension
制造商: UDOO
產品種類: 藍牙/802.15.1 模塊
類: Bluetooth Low Energy
型號: Version 4.1
頻率: 2.4 GHz
工作電源電壓: 5.5 V
接口類型: I2C, SPI, UART
尺寸: 45 mm x 35 mm
商標: UDOO
安裝風格: SMD/SMT
工廠包裝數量: 100