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IS32LT3120-GRLA3-EB 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格


ISSI IS32LT3120-GRLA3-EB Evaluation Board is a fully assembled and tested board that uses the IS32LT3120, a linear programmable current regulator. The IS32LT3120 is a linear programmable current regulator consisting of 2 output channels capable of up to 200mA each. Each channel features an ON/OFF input pin to toggle the channel between the OFF condition and the source condition.


Dual output channels source up to 200mA each

Independent debounced ON/OFF control for each channel

Programmable current via a single external resistor

Programmable fade in, fade out via external resistor

Pull down resistor value sets fade speed

Gamma corrected fade in/out algorithm

Fault Protection

LED string shorted to GND

Over temperature

SOP-8-EP packages

Automotive Grade - AEC-Q100 (pending)

Operating temperature range from -40°C ~ +125°C

制造商: ISSI

產品種類: LED 照明開發工具

產品: Evaluation Boards

用于: IS32LT3120

工作電源電壓: 12 V

系列: IS32LT3120

輸出電流: 1 A

商標: ISSI

最大工作溫度: + 125 C

最小工作溫度: - 40 C

濕度敏感性: Yes

工廠包裝數量: 1



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