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SR4G031-150 SR4G031-100 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Antenova Robusta Low-Profile GNSS Antennas for metal surfaces cover the 1559 - 1609MHz frequency range. Developed using Antenova’s REFLECTOR technology, the Robusta GNSS Antennas can radiate in positions where a normal antenna will not function. The patented REFLECTOR two-layer technology electrically isolates one layer to provide RF shielding to the second layer. This allows the antenna to radiate effectively in the direction pointing away from the base material.
These rigid antennas with a 1.13mm diameter RF cable and IPEX MHF connector enable a direct connection to the host device (Plastic/Metal/PCB). Users can place the Robusta GNSS against any material and the antenna will not detune. Intended for use with all positioning applications, Robusta GNSS Antennas offer simple integration and plug-and-play functionality.
REFLECTOR Technology
Antenna for GNSS applications
GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, and Galileo
Maintains high-performance within device: DFI (Designed For Integration)
1.13mm diameter RF cable with IPEX MHF connector
Self-Adhesive mounted
Quick integration minimizes design cycle
High-performance operation
Available in 2 standard cable lengths
Portable Devices
Wearable devices
SR4G031-150 制造商: Antenova
產品種類: 天線
系列: Robusta
產品: PCB Antenna
類型: Flat Bar
頻率: 1559 MHz to 1609 MHz
增益: 2.45 dBi
端接類型: PCB
技術: GNSS
最小工作溫度: - 40 C
最大工作溫度: + 85 C
阻抗: 50 Ohms
VSWR: 1.60:1
封裝: Bulk
電纜長度: 150 mm
頻率范圍: 1559 MHz to 1609 MHz
高度: 1.7 mm
長度: 23 mm
極性: Linear
寬度: 16 mm
商標: Antenova
安裝風格: Adhesive
天線連接器類型: IPEX
工廠包裝數量: 200
單位重量: 500 mg