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LTC3260EMSE#PBF LTC3260IMSE#PBF LTC3260IDE#PBF 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Linear Technology/Analog Devices LTC3260 Dual-Supply Inverting Charge Pump Converters are low-noise, DC/DC converters with dual polarity output power supplies. The LTC3260 features both positive and negative low dropout (LDO) regulators that can source up to a 50mA output current each. This design allows the LTC3260 to deliver up to 100mA output over a 4.5V to 32V input voltage range. Designers can use the external resistor dividers to adjust the positive and negative LDO output voltages down to 1.2V and -1.2V, respectively.
The internal charge pump works in either low-quiescent current Burst Mode® operation or low-noise constant frequency mode. When in Burst Mode operation, the charge pump regulates to -0.94 VIN and consumes only 100μA of quiescent current with both LDO regulators enabled. When in constant frequency mode, the charge pump generates an output equal to -VIN. In constant frequency mode, the LTC3260 uses an external resistor to operate at a fixed 500kHz frequency or to a programmed value between 50kHz to 500kHz.
VIN Range: 4.5V to 32V
Inverting Charge Pump Generates –VIN
Charge Pump Output Current Up to 100mA
Low Noise Negative LDO Post Regulator (ILDO = 50mA Max)
Low Noise Independent Positive LDO Regulator (ILDO = 50mA Max)
100μA Quiescent Current in Burst Mode® Operation with Both LDO Regulators On
50kHz to 500kHz Programmable Oscillator Frequency
Stable with Ceramic Capacitors
Short-Circuit/Thermal Protection
Low Profile 3mm × 4mm 14-Pin DFN and Thermally Enhanced 16-Pin MSOP Packages
Low Noise Bipolar/Inverting Supplies
Industrial/Instrumentation Low Noise Bias Generators
Portable Medical Equipment
Portable Instruments
LTC3260EMSE#PBF 制造商: Analog Devices Inc.
產品種類: 開關控制器
RoHS: 詳細信息
輸出端數量: 3 Output
開關頻率: 500 kHz
輸入電壓: 4.5 V to 32 V
輸出電壓: 4.5 V to 32 V
輸出電流: 100 mA
最小工作溫度: - 40 C
最大工作溫度: + 125 C
安裝風格: SMD/SMT
封裝 / 箱體: MSOP-16
絕緣: Non-Isolated
輸出類型: Adjustable
產品: Non-Isolated / POL
系列: LTC3260
商標: Analog Devices / Linear Technology
工作電源電流: 0.1 mA
工廠包裝數量: 37
單位重量: 100 mg