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GRF2070 GRF4014 GRF2133 GRF2071 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Guerrilla RF Linear Noise Amplifiers are broadband, linear, ultralow noise amplifiers designed for small cell, wireless infrastructure and other high-performance RF applications.
The GRF2070 is configured as a first stage LNA, linear driver or cascaded gain block, and offers high levels of reuse within a design and across platforms.
The GRF2071 is a pin compatible, ultralow noise device which a wide range of frequency bands with industry leading NF and gain.
The GRF2100 is a high-gain, low-current LNA tunable over 100 to 3800MHz. The GRF2100 exhibits outstanding gain and NF with Iddq levels as low as 6mA.
The GRF2133 is a broadband linear gain block featuring ultrahigh gain and sub 0.85dB noise figure for small cell, cellular booster, wireless infrastructure and other high performance applications.
The GRF2541 is an ultralow noise amplifier (LNA) with bypass designed for IEEE 802.11a/n/ac/p applications in the 5GHz band (5.1 GHz to 5.925 GHz).
The GRF4014 features simple external matching, and exhibits outstanding broadband NF, linearity and return losses over wide fractional bandwidths with a single match.
The GRF5511 delivers excellent P1dB, IP3 and NF over a wide range of frequencies with fractional bandwidths >15% and is well suited to demanding 802.11ac 5GHz PA/driver applications.
GRF2070 Features
Reference: 5V/75mA/0.9GHz
Gain 20.8dB
Eval Board NF 0.34dB
OP1dB 20.1dBm
OIP3 39.7dBm
Flexible Bias Voltage and Current
Process, GaAs pHEMT
GRF2071 Features
Reference 5V/60mA/1.9GHz
Gain 19.0dB
Eval Board NF 0.36dB
OP1dB 21.0dBm
OIP3 38.0dBm
Flexible Bias Voltage and Current
Process, GaAs pHEMT
GRF2100 Features
Reference: 3.3V/15mA/2500MHz
EVB NF 0.80dB
Gain 16.5dB
OP1dB 12.0dBm
OIP3 20.0
Flexible Bias Voltage and Current
Process, GaAs pHEMT
GRF2133 Features
Reference 5.0V/60mA/700MHz
Gain 39.5dB
OP1dB 20.8dBm
OIP3 30.4dBm
NF 0.77dB
Reference 5.0V/60mA/1950MHz
Gain 28.4dB
OP1dB 21.8dBm
OIP3 30.0dBm
NF 0.65dB
Reference 5.0V/60mA/2500MHz
Gain 24.0dB
OP1dB 22.7dBm
OIP3 29.7dBm
NF 0.84dB
Internally Matched
Unconditionally Stable
Flexible Biasing
Process, GaAs pHEMT
GRF2541 Features
Reference: 3.3V/18mA/5.5GHz
EVB NF 1.2dB
Gain 16.4dB
IP1dB -10.2dBm
Flexible Bias Voltage and Current
Internally Matched to 50 Ω
Process, GaAs pHEMT
GRF4014 Features
Reference 5V/65mA/2.5GHz
EVB NF 0.73dB
Gain 17.0dB
OP1dB 24.8dBm
OIP3 38.0dBm
Flexible Bias Voltage and Current
Process, GaAs pHEMT
GRF5511 Features
Reference 5V/130mA/2.5GHz
Gain: 20.1dB
OP1dB: 26.1dBm
OIP3 39.6dBm
Eval Board NF 1.5dB
Reference 5V/100mA/5.5GHz
Gain: 15.4dB
OP1dB 25.8dBm
OIP3 44.0dBm
Eval Board NF 1.7dB
Flexible Bias Voltage and Current
Process, GaAs pHEMT
Cellular Infrastructure
Small Cells and Cellular Repeaters
Distributed Antenna Systems
High Performance GPS
2.4 GHz Drones
High Gain LNA
Cellular Boosters / Repeaters
Linear Driver Amplifier
WiFi Access Points
Mobile WiFi Devices
802.11p Vehicle Communications
PA/Driver for 802.11ac
GRF2070 制造商: Guerrilla RF
產品種類: 射頻放大器
安裝風格: SMD/SMT
封裝 / 箱體: DFN-8
類型: Low Noise Amplifier
技術: GaAs
工作頻率: 0.4 GHz to 1.5 GHz
P1dB - 壓縮點: 20.1 dBm
增益: 20.8 dB
工作電源電壓: 5 V
NF—噪聲系數: 0.34 dB
測試頻率: 900 MHz
OIP3 - 三階截點: 39.7 dBm
工作電源電流: 75 mA
最小工作溫度: - 40 C
最大工作溫度: + 105 C
系列: GRF2070
封裝: Cut Tape
封裝: MouseReel
封裝: Reel
商標: Guerrilla RF
通道數量: 1 Channel
開發套件: GRF2070-EVB
Pd-功率耗散: 500 mW
工廠包裝數量: 2500
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司,我司2011年成立于中國經濟特區深圳.我司專注于為全球電子企業提供優質的電子零件供應服務,竭力打造全球品牌元器件零售與批量供應中心。專業經營各類電子元器件(集成電路IC,存儲芯片,分立器件,電源,無源元件,連接器,繼電器,傳感器,光電子,開關,保險元件,緊固件,開發工具,變壓器,測試與測量等)。 我們以低成本提供全方位一站式電子元件供應鏈采購方案,包括但不僅限于電子元件緊急物料搜尋,電子元件齊套供應、電子元件降低成本的長期供應,庫存寄售等一系列供應鏈解決方案。優勢供應各類電子組件.
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