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TCR15AG33,LF有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Toshiba TCR15AG LDO Voltage Regulators provide efficient, low-noise power for Wi-Fi®, cameras, mobile devices that require highly regulated voltage and low power consumption. The TCR15AG LDO Voltage Regulators offer an ultra-low dropout voltage, high 95dB ripple rejection ratio, low inrush current, and fast load transient response of ±115mV.
Housed in an ultra-small WCSP6F package, the TCR15AG Regulators can drive a high current of 1.5A. This capability makes the TCR15AG LDO Voltage Regulators well-suited for power supply applications in Wi-Fi chipsets for smartphones, tablets, cameras, and wireless modules. TCR15AG Regulators can also control power supplies in applications that require a high current, such as notebook PCs, digital camcorders, storage devices, and set-top boxes.
The TCR15AG series offers both fixed and adjustable output voltage options to support a wide range of power supply applications. TCR15AG's fixed output voltage ranges from 0.65V to 3.6V, while its adjustable output voltage ranges from 0.60V to 3.6V via external resistors.
Low Drop-Out Voltage
125mV dropout (typ.) @ 1V/1.5A output
1% voltage accuracy
Wide range of output voltages
Fixed Output Voltage 0.65V to 3.6V
Adjustable Output Voltage 0.6V to 3.6V
Fast load transient response: -100/+115mV (typ.)@ 0.01A ⇔ 1.5A, COUT = 4.7μF
High Ripple rejection ratio of 95dB (typ.) @1kHz
Over current protection
Thermal shutdown
Inrush current reduction
Output voltage soft start
Under voltage lockout
Pull down connection between CONTROL and GND
Ultra-small package WCSP6F (0.8mm x 1.2mm (typ.), t: 0.33mm (max.)
Stable with over 4.7μF input capacitor, 1.0μF bias capacitor and 4.7μF output ceramic capacitor
Wi-Fi chipsets and Wi-Fi power rails
RF Circuits
Notebook PCs
Digital camcorders
Storage devices
Set-top boxes
Voltage regulation up to 1500mA
1.0V, 1.1V, 1.2V power rail for analog CMOS sensors
DC-DC replacement for low-voltage bucking
For subsystems with access to battery power or 5V rail
Projects requiring small board space
TCR15AG33,LF制造商: Toshiba
產品種類: 低壓差穩壓器
RoHS: 詳細信息
安裝風格: SMD/SMT
封裝 / 箱體: WCSP-6F-6
輸出電壓: 3.3 V
輸出電流: 1.5 A
輸出端數量: 1 Output
靜態電流: 25 uA
輸出類型: Fixed
最小工作溫度: - 40 C
最大工作溫度: + 85 C
負載調節: 3 mV
系列: TCR15AG33
回動電壓: 120 mV
封裝: Cut Tape
封裝: MouseReel
封裝: Reel
產品: Low Dropout Voltage (LDO) Regulator
商標: Toshiba
回動電壓—最大值: 216 mV
PSRR/紋波抑制—典型值: 95 dB
電壓調節準確度: +/- 1 %
線路調整率: 0 mV
Pd-功率耗散: 1.35 W
產品類型: LDO Voltage Regulators
工廠包裝數量: 5000
子類別: PMIC - Power Management ICs
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