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EZB6-430003 輸入設備 最新到貨

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Storm Interface EZB2 ADA Compliant Nav-Bar™ provides improved accessibility for users with impaired vision, restricted mobility, or limited fine motor skills. The Nav-Bar is a highly tactile interface that improves accessibility, making audio navigation and selection of screen based menus possible. An audio description of available menu options is transmitted to the user through a headset, handset, or cochlea implant. When the desired menu page or option is located, it can be selected by the press of a distinctive tactile button. Successful implementation of the Nav-Bar required a compliant host application featuring synthesized or recorded human voice audio-tags.

The Storm Interface Nav-Bar was developed in association with the Trace Research & Development Center with support from the University of Wisconsin. The Nav-Bar is a compliant tactile interface device for use as part of an ADA audible menu navigation system or EZ-Access® implementation.

Storm Interface EZB2 ADA Compliant Nav-Bar

Space efficient horizontal format for use with contemporary touch-screen kiosks

Easy to navgate and makes audio references to a key's position and function easier to understand

Internal colour coded illumination makes location of individual keys much easier for those with partial vision

The keytop's distinctive shape and tactile symbols provide the primary means of identifying a key's specific function

The intensity of keytop illumination can be adjusted or turned off when not in use

Each keytop is illuminated by a dedicated LED light source. Each LED is independently controlled.

By use of the Nav-Bar utility software, default illumination status and 'wake-up' behavior can be selected. USB key-presss codes can also be changed.

Optional Audio-Module includes sound volume controls and an illuminated jack plug socket for headset connection (Audio-Module supplied seperately)

The Audio-Module includes sound volume controls and an illuminated jack plug socket for headset connection (

The Audio-Module can be positioned separately from the Nav-Bar to optimize system ergonomics

Nav-Bar is connected to the host system via a single USB cable.

EZB6-430003制造商: Storm Interface

產品種類: 輸入設備

產品: Keypads

封裝: Bulk

電壓額定值: 5 V

商標: Storm Interface

IP 等級: IP65

產品類型: Input Devices

子類別: Input Devices

零件號別名: EZB6-43000 EZB6-430001 EZB6-430003 EZB6-430005 EZB6-430006




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