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XPC240100B有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Lantronix xPico® 240/250 Series Embedded Wi-Fi IoT Gateways provide high-performance in excessive noise settings. The Gateways encompass dual-band Wi-Fi, antenna diversity, and Bluetooth while featuring enterprise-grade security. Robust connectivity for reliable data access enables the xPico® 240/250 Series to make embedded application development easy. Flexible system integration modes and built-in network communications engine promotes faster time to market. Using the provided SDK, the Gateways can be operated as a network co-processor or wireless microcontroller, allowing the user to download IoT communications.
The TruPort® Socket utilizes total control over multiple connections including TCP, UDP or TLS. Offering a comprehensive device security framework- the xPico® 240/250 Series offers robust and secure connections, data-at-rest protection for keys, configuration, secure boot and firmware-over-the-air (FOTA) updates, user role-based access control and fine-grained policy-based network service control. End-to-end applications can be built quickly and easily with pre-integrated MACH10™ edge software components. xPico® 240/250 Series delivers seamless and secure Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity allowing OEMs to design with reduced complexity and lower risk.
Dual-band Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n) and Ethernet
xPico® 250 Only – Dual-mode Bluetooth (BT and BLE)
Automatic network connection management
Concurrent Soft AP + client mode for direct wireless service access without disrupting machine field operations
Enables operation as network co-processor or wireless MCU
Device Management via Lantronix Gateway Central™
Pre-integration with MACH10™ IoT platform
Global Certification (FCC, IC, ETSI, Japan, AU/NZS, China)
Industrial-grade design for operation in extreme environments (-40°C to +85°C)
Remote updates and management via Lantronix Gateway Central™
XPC240100B制造商: Lantronix
產品種類: WiFi模塊 (802.11)
支持協議: 802.11 a/b/g/n
頻率: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz
數據速率: 150 Mb/s
接口類型: Ethernet, UART
工作電源電壓: 3.3 V
最小工作溫度: - 40 C
最大工作溫度: + 85 C
尺寸: 17 mm x 25 mm x 2 mm
封裝: Cut Tape
封裝: MouseReel
封裝: Reel
系列: xPico 240
商標: Lantronix
天線連接器類型: U.FL
濕度敏感性: Yes
產品類型: WiFi Modules
工廠包裝數量: 250
子類別: Wireless & RF Modules
商標名: xPico
零件號別名: 950-00101
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司,我司2011年成立于中國經濟特區深圳.我司專注于為全球電子企業提供優質的電子零件供應服務,竭力打造全球品牌元器件零售與批量供應中心。專業經營各類電子元器件(集成電路IC,存儲芯片,分立器件,電源,無源元件,連接器,繼電器,傳感器,光電子,開關,保險元件,緊固件,開發工具,變壓器,測試與測量等)。 我們以低成本提供全方位一站式電子元件供應鏈采購方案,包括但不僅限于電子元件緊急物料搜尋,電子元件齊套供應、電子元件降低成本的長期供應,庫存寄售等一系列供應鏈解決方案。優勢供應各類電子組件.
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深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 為一般納稅人 可開具17%增值稅票 有合作基礎可申請月結,延長賬期等多種供貨付款方式。
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