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SW-QUARTUS-SE-FLT 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software is design software that includes everything needed to design for Intel FPGAs, SoCs, and CPLDs. This includes design entry, synthesis to optimization, verification, and simulation. Quartus dramatically increases capabilities on devices with multi-million logic elements, providing designers with an ideal platform for next-generation design opportunities.
The Intel Quartus Prime software is available in three editions based on your design requirements: Pro, Standard, and Lite Edition.
Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition
The Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software is optimized to support the advanced features in next-generation FPGAs and SoCs with the Intel
Stratix® 10, Intel Arria® 10, and
Quartus Prime Pro Edition software is optimized to support the advanced features in Intel's next-generation FPGAs and SoCs, starting with the Arria 10 device family. Use the Quartus Prime Pro Edition software if you are starting a new Arria 10 design or if your Arria 10 design requires features that are only available in the Quartus Prime Pro Edition software.Intel Cyclone® 10 GX device families.
Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition
The Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition software includes extensive support for earlier device families in addition to the Intel Cyclone 10 LP device family.
Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition
The Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition software provides an ideal entry point to high-volume device families and is available as a free download with no license file required.
產品種類: 開發軟件
RoHS: 不可用
產品: Software
用于: FPGAs, SoCs, and CPLDs
描述/功能: Floating license for Windows/Linux
系列: Quartus
商標: Intel / Altera
產品類型: Development Software
工廠包裝數量: 1
子類別: Embedded Solutions
商標名: Quartus
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 重點客戶遍布中國內地 港 澳 臺地區,另外歐美發達國家以及 一代一路沿線發展中國家我司也有大量長期合作的優質客戶。
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 為一般納稅人 可開具17%增值稅票 有合作基礎可申請月結,延長賬期等多種供貨付款方式。
公司經營目標:整合全球資源全 芯 全意為您服務。