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BT832X BT832XE 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
Fanstel BT832 Series BLE Bluetooth® 5 Modules are ideal for use in mesh networks and mass Bluetooth 5 deployment in designs. The BT832 Series modules require no hardware redesign to reach any node in a mesh network. A host board design can accommodate all modules in the family. For wide area network, BT832X can be used in Relay node.
• Develop your Bluetooth 5 products using BT832, a low cost Bluetooth 5 module with Cortex M4F
• BT832F Bluetooth 5.0 module for 270 meters average range, at 7.5 mA peak current
• BT832X (nRF52832 + power amplifier module) for 1170 meters average range
• BT832XE (nRF52 832 + power amplifier + u.FL module), when an external antenna is required. BT832XE is the longest range Bluetooth 5 module, 1350 meters, omni directional
BT832, nRF52832 Bluetooth 5 modules
SoC: Nordic nRF52832 QFAA
Cortex M4F processor with 512KB flash, 64KB RAM
Bluetooth range: 75 to 140 meters; average range: 100 meters
Size: 14x16x1.9mm
Hybrid pins: 16 castellated and 24 LGA
32 GPIOs
Certification: FCC, IC, CE, QDID
BT832X, nRF52832 Bluetooth 5 module with power amplifier
SoC: Nordic nRF52832 QFAA with Skyworks SKY66112
Cortex M4F processor with 512 KB flash, 64KB RAM
Bluetooth range: 1060 to 1320 meters; average range: 1170 meters
Size: 15x28x1.9mm
Hybrid pins: 16 castellated and 24 LGA
29 GPIOs
Certification: FCC, IC, QDID; Pending: CE
BT832F, nRF52832 Bluetooth 5 module
SoC: Nordic nRF52832 QFAA
Cortex M4F processor with 512 KB flash, 64KB RAM
Bluetooth range: 220 to 330 meters; average range: 270 meters
Size: 15x20.8x1.9mm
Hybrid pins: 16 castellated and 24 LGA
32 GPIOs
Certification: FCC, IC, CE, QDID
BT832XE, nRF52832 Bluetooth 5 module with power amplifier, u.FL connector
SoC: Nordic nRF52832 QFAA with Skyworks SKY66112
Cortex M4F processor with 512KB flash, 64KB RAM
an u.FL connector for external antenna
Bluetooth range with ANT060 antenna: 1350 meters; Omni directional antenna
Size: 15x28x1.9mm
Hybrid pins: 16 castellated and 24 LGA
29 GPIOs
Certification: FCC, IC, QDID; Pending: CE
BT832X BT832XE 制造商: Fanstel
產品種類: 藍牙模塊 (802.15.1)
類: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
協議: Bluetooth 5.0
數據速率: 1 Mb/s
工作電源電壓: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
輸出功率: 20 dBm
最小工作溫度: - 40 C
最大工作溫度: + 85 C
靈敏度: - 96 dBm
接口類型: I2C, SPI, UART
系列: BT832
封裝: Cut Tape
封裝: Reel
天線: Integrated Trace
尺寸: 15 mm x 28 mm x 1.9 mm
頻率: 2.4 GHz
高度: 1.9 mm
長度: 15 mm
存儲容量: 64 kB, 512 kB
產品: Bluetooth Modules
范圍: 1170 m
屏蔽: Shielded
寬度: 28 mm
商標: Fanstel
安裝風格: SMD/SMT
CNHTS: 8517709000
核心: ARM Cortex M4F
HTS Code: 8517700000
產品類型: Bluetooth Modules
工廠包裝數量: 1000
子類別: Wireless & RF Modules
型號: Bluetooth 5.0
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 重點客戶遍布中國內地 港 澳 臺地區,另外歐美發達國家以及 一代一路沿線發展中國家我司也有大量長期合作的優質客戶。
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 為一般納稅人 可開具17%增值稅票 有合作基礎可申請月結,延長賬期等多種供貨付款方式。
公司經營目標:整合全球資源全 芯 全意為您服務。