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GRF2541 新品到貨

發布時間:2019/3/27 10:34:00 訪問次數:209

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GRF2541 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格


GRF2541 制造商: Guerrilla RF

產品種類: 射頻放大器

安裝風格: SMD/SMT

封裝 / 箱體: DFN-6

類型: Low Noise Amplifier

技術: GaAs

工作頻率: 4.9 GHz to 6 GHz

P1dB - 壓縮點: - 10.2 dBm

增益: 16.4 dB

工作電源電壓: 2.7 V to 5 V

NF—噪聲系數: 1.2 dB

測試頻率: 5.5 GHz

OIP3 - 三階截點: -

工作電源電流: 18 mA

最小工作溫度: - 40 C

最大工作溫度: + 105 C

系列: GRF2541

封裝: Cut Tape

封裝: MouseReel

封裝: Reel

商標: Guerrilla RF

通道數量: 1 Channel

CNHTS: 8542330000

開發套件: GRF2541-EVB

HTS代碼: 8542330001

MXHTS: 85423301

Pd-功率耗散: 200 mW

產品類型: RF Amplifier

工廠包裝數量: 2500

子類別: Wireless & RF Integrated Circuits

Guerrilla RF Linear Noise Amplifiers are broadband, linear, ultralow noise amplifiers designed for small cell, wireless infrastructure, and other high-performance RF applications. The Guerrilla RF product portfolio includes a wide range of gain, linearity, NF, and bypass capability using a single layout. These devices deliver a a modular RF design system, including single-stage, two-stage, bypass, and failsafe bypass devices.

GRF2070 is configured as a first stage LNA, linear driver or cascaded gain block, and offers high levels of reuse within a design and across platforms

GRF2071 is a broadband, linear, ultra-low noise amplifier designed for small cell, wireless infrastructure and other high performance RF applications requiring ultra-low NF, high gain, and high linearity

GRF2100 is a high-gain, low-current LNA tunable over 100MHz to 3800MHz, with gain and NF with Iddq levels as low as 6mA

GRF2101 is an ultralow noise amplifier designed for IEEE 802.11a/n/ac/p applications (5.1GHz to 5.925GHz)

GRF2106 is a low cost, high gain LNA designed for a wide range of applications up to 4.2GHz

GRF2133 is a broadband linear gain block featuring ultrahigh gain and sub 085dB noise figure for small cell, cellular booster, wireless infrastructure, and other high performance applications

GRF2201 is a low-cost, linear LNA designed for demanding 2.4GHz WLAN and ISM band applications

GRF2373 can serve as a low current, high gain LNA or linear driver tunable over 100MHz to 3800MHz

GRF2374 is a low noise amplifier with bypass designed for high-performance WLAN/ISM and other applications up to 3.8GHz

GRF2541 is an ultra-low noise amplifier with bypass designed for IEEE 80211a/n/ac/p applications in the 5GHz band (51GHz to 5925GHz)

GRF4014 features simple external matching, and exhibits outstanding broadband NF, linearity, and return losses over wide fractional bandwidths with a single match

GRF5511 delivers excellent P1dB, IP3 and NF over a wide range of frequencies with fractional bandwidths >15% and is well suited to demanding 80211ac 5GHz PA/driver applications






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