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cs-anavi-09 開發板和工具包 - 其他處理器 燁弘軒熱賣

發布時間:2019/5/5 14:23:00 訪問次數:212

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Crowd Supply ANAVI Light Controllercs-anavi-09 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格


Crowd Supply ANAVI Light Controller is an open-source hardware Wi-Fi® device for controlling a 12V RGB LED strip. This controller also supports sensors for light, temperature, humidity, and gesture recognition. The device also is fully compliant with the popular open-source platform, Home Assistant. This controller can be turned on and off with voice commands when paired with Amazon Alexa. The device communicates using the lightweight messaging protocol (MQTT). The controller combines open-source hardware with free and open-source software.

Tensilica L106 32-bit processor

WiFi® 802.11 b/g/n connectivity

12V input voltage

Terminal block for 12 V RGB LED strip, UART pins, button, three slots for sensors

Compatibility with Arduino IDE, Home Assistant, MQTT, and any modern web browser

Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) BG000005 certification

75mm x 40mm

Automating lighting with the open source software platform Home Assistant

Controlling lights with voice commands with Amazon Alexa and Home Assistant

Making a do-it-yourself magic lamp controlled with gestures

Making unique do-it-yourself decorations for the holidays

Learning about a project that combines free and open source software with open source hardware

cs-anavi-09 制造商: Crowd Supply

產品種類: 開發板和工具包 - 其他處理器

產品: Evaluation Boards

核心: L106

工具用于評估: ESP8266

商標: Crowd Supply

數據總線寬度: 32 bit

工作電源電壓: 12 V

產品類型: Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors

工廠包裝數量: 1

子類別: Development Tools.






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