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發布時間:2019/5/22 23:09:00 訪問次數:205 發布企業:深圳市宇創芯科技有限公司

■低有功功率ICC=90 mA,100兆赫
■低CMOS待機電流Isb2=20 mA(典型)工作電壓為2.2 V至3.6 V
■1.0 V數據保留
■提供無鉛54針TSOP II和48球VFBGA。包裝



C7C1061GN30是一個高性能CMOS Static Ram


To write to the device,take chip enables(CE1 low and ce2)

High)and write enable(we)input low.If byte low enable

(ble)is low,they data from I/o pins(I/O through I/O7),is

Written into the location specified on the address pins(A0 through)

頁:1If byte high enable(BHE)is low,they data from I/o pins

(I/O8 through I/15)is written into the location specified on the

Address Pins(A0 through A19).

To read from the Device,Take Chip Enables(CE1 low and CE2)

High)and output enable(OE)low while forcing the write

Enable(we)high.If byte low enable(ble)is low,then data

From the memory location specified by the address pins appears

On I/O to I/O7.If byte high enable(BHE)is low,they data from

Memory Appeals on I/O8 to I/15.See truth table on page 12


The input or output pins(I/O through I/15)are placed in a high

當惡魔被攝取時(CE1 high/ce2)

Low,the outputs are disabled(OE High),the BHE and able

Are disabled(BHE,a ble high),or during a write operation(CE1)

Low,CE2 high,and we low)



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