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代理分銷MSK 部分產品

發布時間:2012/6/2 10:22:00 訪問次數:765

MSK Announces Completion of Neutron Testing for RH1573 Based Regulators
The MS Kennedy RH1573 based series of high performance low drop-out regulators demonstrated very low sensitivity to both TID and low dose rate radiation environments. Previously certified to 300Krad at high dose rate, the series has now been tested and proven through 1 x 10E12 n/cmcm of Neutron irradiation. The MSK5826RH was chosen to represent the series for this testing. All of the devices in the series use the same silicon components and same general electrical configuration. The test results represent the expected relative parametric effects from Neutron irradiation for the following devices; MSK5800RH, MSK5810RH, MSK5820RH, MSK5821RH, MSK5822RH, MSK5823RH, MSK5824RH, MSK5825RH, MSK5826RH, and MSK5951RH. The devices under test were irradiated in accordance with MIL-STD-883 method 1017.2 as a guideline.
Reference the MSK5826RH radiation test report for detailed information and test results.



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