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AZ1084S-3.3TRE1 BCD 穩壓芯片 優勢原裝好價好貨供應

發布時間:2019/10/29 10:53:00 訪問次數:146 發布企業:深圳市星盤科技有限公司

AZ1084S-3.3TRE1 BCD 穩壓芯片 優勢原裝好價好貨供應 存量16Kpcs 原廠原裝可到公司看貨交易需要聯系我 謝謝

The AZ1084 is a series of low dropout positive voltage
regulators with a maximum dropout of 1.5V at 5A of
load current.
The series features on-chip thermal limiting which provides protection against any combination of overload
and ambient temperatures that would create excessive
junction temperatures. It also includes a trimmed bandgap reference and a current limiting circuit.
The AZ1084 is available in 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V,
3.3V and 5.0V versions. The fixed versions integrate
the adjust resistors. It is also available in an adjustable
version which can set the output voltage with two
external resistors.
The AZ1084 series is available in standard packages of
TO-263-2, TO-263-3, TO-220 and TO-252





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