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LT4363CS-2#PBF Linear Technology (凌力爾特) 電池管理芯片

發布時間:2019/12/20 9:33:00 訪問次數:256 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

LT4363CS-2#PBF Linear Technology (凌力爾特) 電池管理芯片

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LINEAR TECHNOLOGY LT4363CS-2#PBF 芯片, 突波消除器, 手動復位, SOIC-16

TheLT4363CS-2#PBFis a high voltage Surge Stopper with current limit. It protects loads from high voltage transients. It regulates the output during an overvoltage event, such as load dump in vehicles, by controlling the gate of an external N-channel MOSFET. The output is limited to a safe value allowing the loads to continue functioning. The LT4363 also monitors the voltage drop between the SNS and OUT pins to protect against overcurrent faults. An internal amplifier limits the voltage across the current sense resistor to 50mV. In either fault condition, a timer is started inversely proportional to MOSFET stress. Before the timer expires, the FLT pin pulls low to warn of an impending power down. If the condition persists, the MOSFET is turned off. It restarts after a cool down period. Two precision comparators can monitor the input supply for overvoltage (OV) and undervoltage (UV) conditions. When the potential is below the UV threshold, the external MOSFET is kept off.

. Withstands surges over 100V with VCC clamp . Adjustable output clamp voltage . <5μs Fast overcurrent limit . Reverse input protection to -60V . Adjustable UV/OV comparator thresholds . Low 7μA Shutdown current . Adjustable fault timer . Controls N-channel MOSFET



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