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ICM-20601 InvenSense (應美盛) 運動傳感器

發布時間:2019/12/21 10:45:00 訪問次數:171 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

ICM-20601 InvenSense (應美盛) 運動傳感器

傳感器類型 加速計,陀螺儀,溫度,6 軸 輸出類型 I2C,SPI 工作溫度 -40°C ~ 85°C(TA) 封裝/外殼 16-WFLGA 模塊 供應商器件封裝 16-LGA(3x3) 安裝類型 表面貼裝型

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World"s First Wide-Range 6-Axis MEMS MotionTracking Device for High-Speed Applications Many of today’s wearable and sports solutions, which analyze the user’s high speed motion, require higher than the currently available ±2000 dps (degrees per second) FSR for gyroscope and ±16g FSR for accelerometer to better insure that critical data is not lost during the high speed rotation. TheICM-20601SoC offers the smallest size, lowest profile and lowest power in conjunction with industry leading high FSR. With an extended FSR range of ±4000 dps for gyroscope and ±32g for accelerometer, the ICM-20601 enables precise motion tracking of high speed sports-related activity providing continuous sensor data throughout the motion, providing more accurate analysis. The ICM-20601 is the world’s first wide-range 6-axis MotionTracking device for sports and other high speed applications. It is available in a 3x3x0.75mm 16-pin LGA package.





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