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ADIS16375BMLZ ADI (亞德諾) 運動傳感器

發布時間:2019/12/21 10:51:00 訪問次數:191 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

ADIS16375BMLZ ADI (亞德諾) 運動傳感器

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ANALOG DEVICES ADIS16375BMLZ 模塊, MEMS, 低噪, 三軸陀螺儀,三軸加速度計, 3 V, 3.6 V, 模塊, 24 引腳, ± 350°/s

TheADIS16375BMLZ is an iSensor® Inertial System that includes a 3-axis gyroscope and triaxis accelerometer. The device combines industry-leading iMEMS® technology with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance. The device provides a simple method for integrating accurate, multiaxis, inertial sensing into industrial systems, especially when compared with the complexity and investment associated with discrete designs. All necessary motion testing and calibration are part of the production process at the factory, greatly reducing system integration time. Tight orthogonal alignment simplifies inertial frame alignment in navigation systems. An improved SPI interface and register structure provide faster data collection and configuration control.

ADIS16375BMLZ 中文資料規格參數 技術參數 電源電壓(DC) 3.00 V (min) 供電電流 173 mA 其他 產品生命周期 Active 包裝方式 Bulk 封裝參數 引腳數 24 封裝 模塊 外形尺寸 封裝 模塊 符合標準 RoHS標準 Compliant 含鉛標準 Contains Lead REACH SVHC標準 No SVHC





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