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SLA7026M Sanken Electric (三墾電氣) 電機驅動器

發布時間:2019/12/30 14:55:00 訪問次數:189 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

SLA7026M Sanken Electric (三墾電氣) 電機驅動器

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TheSLA7026Mis a high-current PWM unipolar stepper Motor Controller/Driver IC. An automated, innovative packaging technology combined with power FETs and monolithic logic/control circuitry advances power multi-chip modules (PMCM) toward the complete integration of motion control. Highly automated manufacturing techniques provide low-cost and exceptionally reliable PMCMs suitable for controlling and directly driving a broad range of 2-phase, unipolar stepper motors. The three stepper motor multi-chip modules differ primarily in output current ratings (1.5 or 3.0A) and package style. All three PMCMs are rated for an absolute maximum limit of 46V and utilize advanced NMOS FETs for the high-current, high-voltage driver outputs. The avalanche-rated (>=100V) FETs provide excellent ON resistance, improved body diodes and very-fast switching.

. Multi-chip solution . "Turn-Key" motion-control module . 3rd Generation high-voltage FETs . 100V, avalanche-rated NMOS . Low RDS (ON) NMOS outputs . Advanced, improved body diodes . Single-supply motor/module operation . Half- or full-step unipolar drive . High-efficiency, high-speed PWM . Dual PWM current control (2-phase) . Programmable PWM current control . Low component count PWM drive . Low internal power dissipation . Heat sinking (normally) unnecessary . Electrically isolated power tab . Logic IC- and μP-compatible inputs



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