AR0230CSSC00SUEA0-DRBR ON Semiconductor (安森美) 傳感器
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Image Sensor Color CMOS 1928x1088Pixels 80Pin IBGA
The AR0230CS is a 1/2.7-inch CMOS digital image sensor with an active-pixel array of 1928 (H) x1088 (V). It captures images in either linear or high dynamic range modes, with rolling-shutter readout. It includes sophisticated camera functions such as in-pixel binning, windowing and both video and single frame modes. It is designed for both low light and high dynamic range scene performance. It is programmable through a simple two wire serial interface. The AR0230CS produces extraordinarily clear, sharp digital pictures, and its ability to capture both continuous video and single frames makes it the perfect choice for a wide range of applications, including surveillance and HD video.