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XC2VP30-6FF1152C 全新原裝IC芯片

發布時間:2020/5/15 10:32:00 訪問次數:173

The Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II Pro X families contain platform FPGAs for designs that are based on IP cores and customized modules. The family incorporates multi-gigabit transceivers and PowerPC CPU blocks in Virtex-II Pro Series FPGA architecture. It empowers complete solutions for telecommunication, wireless, networking, video, and DSP applications.

The leading-edge 0.13 µm CMOS nine-layer copper process and Virtex-II Pro architecture are optimized for high performance designs in a wide range of densities. Combining a wide variety of flexible features and IP cores, the Virtex-II Pro family enhances programmable logic design capabilities and is a powerful alternative to mask-programmed gate arrays.

Key Features High-Performance Platform FPGA Solution, Including Up to twenty RocketIO™ or RocketIO X embedded Multi-Gigabit Transceivers (MGTs) Up to two IBM PowerPC™ RISC processor blocks Based on Virtex-II™ Platform FPGA Technology Flexible logic resources SRAM-based in-system configuration Active Interconnect technology SelectRAM™+ memory hierarchy Dedicated 18-bit x 18-bit multiplier blocks High-performance clock management circuitry SelectI/O™-Ultra technology XCITE Digitally Controlled Impedance (DCI) I/O



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