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XC4VFX40-11FF672C 正品XILINX芯片價格優勢

發布時間:2020/5/22 16:45:00 訪問次數:171

Combining Advanced Silicon Modular Block (ASMBL) architecture with a wide variety of flexible features, the Virtex®-4 family from Xilinx greatly enhances programmable logic design capabilities, making it a powerful alternative to ASIC technology. Virtex-4 FPGAs comprise three platform families—LX, FX, and SX—offering multiple feature choices and combinations to address all complex applications. The wide array of Virtex-4 FPGA hard-IP core blocks includes the PowerPC® processors (with a new APU interface), tri-mode Ethernet MACs, 622 Mb/s to 6.5 Gb/s serial transceivers, dedicated DSP slices, high-speed clock management circuitry, and source-synchronous interface blocks. The basic Virtex-4 FPGA building blocks are enhancements of those found in the popular Virtex, Virtex-E, Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro, and Virtex-II Pro X product families, so previous-generation designs are upward compatible. Virtex-4 devices are produced on a state-of-the-art 90 nm copper process using 300 mm (12-inch) wafer technology.

Key Features High-performance, full-featured solution for embedded platform applications Xesium™ Clock Technology Digital clock manager (DCM) blocks Additional phase-matched clock dividers (PMCD) Differential global clocks XtremeDSP™ Slice 18 x 18, two’s complement, signed Multiplier Optional pipeline stages Built-in Accumulator (48-bit) and Adder/Subtracter Smart RAM Memory Hierarchy Distributed RAM Dual-port 18-Kbit RAM blocks · Optional pipeline stages · Optional programmable FIFO logic automatically remaps RAM signals as FIFO signals High-speed memory interface supports DDR and DDR-2 SDRAM, QDR-II, and RLDRAM-II. SelectIO™ Technology 1.5V to 3.3V I/O operation Built-in ChipSync™ source-synchronous technology Digitally controlled impedance (DCI) active termination Fine grained I/O banking (configuration in one bank) Flexible Logic Resources Secure Chip AES Bitstream Encryption 90 nm Copper CMOS Process 1.2V Core Voltage Flip-Chip Packaging including Pb-Free Package Choices RocketIO™ 622 Mb/s to 6.5 Gb/s Multi-Gigabit Transceiver (MGT) [FX only] IBM PowerPC RISC Processor Core [FX only] PowerPC 405 (PPC405) Core Auxiliary Processor Unit Interface (User Coprocessor) Multiple Tri-Mode Ethernet MACs [FX only]





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