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P82B715PN NXP (恩智浦) 緩沖放大器

發布時間:2020/6/16 15:37:00 訪問次數:377 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

P82B715PN NXP (恩智浦) 緩沖放大器

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NXP P82B715PN 芯片, 總線擴展器

General description

The P82B715 is a bipolar IC intended for application in I2C-bus and derivative bus systems. While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus it permits extension of the practical separation distance between components on the I2C-bus by buffering both the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines.


Dual, bidirectional, unity voltage gain buffer with no external directional controlrequired

Compatible with I2C-bus and its derivatives SMBus, PMBus, DDC, etc.

Logic signal levels may include (but not exceed) both supply and ground

Logic signal input voltage levels are output without change and are independent of VCC

×10 impedance transformation, but does not change logic voltage levels



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