EC10E1220503 ALPS (阿爾卑斯) 編碼器
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10mm 空心軸編碼器 - EC10E 系列 緊湊和長壽命編碼器 典型額定值 5V 直流,1mA 100000 次循環工作壽命 工作溫度 ー30 至 +85°C ### 編碼器
TheEC10E1220503from Alps is an incremental type encoder. It is a compact and long life encoder with 10mm size unique hollow shaft design. Typical applications include health care, PC & peripherals.
. Detent torque is 5±3mNm . Mounting height is 11mm . Number of detent is 24 . Number of pulse is 12 . Horizontal operating direction . Operating temperature range from -5°C to 45°C . Ratings 1mA at 5VDC . Output signal of two phase A and B . Minimum insulation resistance is 50Mohm at 50V DC