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ADXRS645HDYZ ADI (亞德諾) 陀螺儀

發布時間:2020/9/17 9:09:00 訪問次數:193 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

ADXRS645HDYZ ADI (亞德諾) 陀螺儀

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ANALOG DEVICES ADXRS645HDYZ 陀螺儀, MEMS, 模擬, ± 2000°/s, 4.75 V, 5.25 V, TIP

TheADXRS645HDYZis a high-performance Angular Rate Sensor with excellent vibration immunity for use in high temperature environments. It is manufactured using the Analogue Devices, Inc., patented high volume BiMOS surface-micromachining process with years of proven field reliability. An advanced, differential, quad sensor design provides superior acceleration and vibration rejection. The output signal, RATEOUT, is a voltage proportional to the angular rate about the axis normal to the package lid. The measurement range is a minimum of ±2000°/second and may be extended to ±5000°/second with the addition of a single external resistor. The output is ratiometric with respect to a provided reference supply. Other external capacitors are required for operation. A temperature output is provided for compensation techniques. Two digital self-test inputs electromechanically excite the sensor to test proper operation of both the sensor and the signal conditioning circuits.

. High-performance, ±2000°/Second Angular Rate Sensor . 1000 Hours at TA = 175°C Guaranteed Long Life . High Vibration Rejection Over Wide Frequency . 10,000g Powered Shock Survivability . Ratiometric to Referenced Supply . 5V Single-supply Operation . Self-test on Digital Command . Temperature Sensor Output

ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device, Although it features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD.



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