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MCIMX6U6AVM08AC NXP (恩智浦) 微處理器

發布時間:2020/12/9 11:49:00 訪問次數:337 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

MCIMX6U6AVM08AC NXP (恩智浦) 微處理器

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微處理器, i.MX 6 DualLite系列, 32位, 800MHz, 1.275V至1.5V, MAPBGA-624


The i.MX 6 series of applications processors combines scalable platforms with broad levels of integration and power-efficient processing capabilities particularly suited to multimedia applications. The i.MX6 DualLite processor features:

* Enhanced capabilities of high-tier portable applications by fulfilling MIPS needs of operations systems and games

* Multilevel memory system

* Smart speed technology that enables the designer to deliver a feature-rich product, requiring levels of power far lower than industry expectations

* Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling

* Powerful graphics acceleration

* Interface flexibility

* Integrated power management throughout the device

* Advanced hardware-enabled security

The i.MX 6DualLite is supported by companionNXP® power management ICs (PMIC) MMPF0100, MMPF0200.



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