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發布時間:2021/12/22 14:15:00 訪問次數:207 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

購買到深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司,聯系電話:19520735817 米小姐35TZV330M10X10.5- Rubycon -鋁電解電容,表面貼裝,徑向管 - SMD, 330 μF, 35 V, 2000小時 @ 105°C,極性。當天發貨、海量庫存

The 35TZV330M10X10.5 is a surface-mount chip aluminium Electrolytic Capacitor. The aluminium electrolytic capacitor has a feature in that it is small in size, large in capacity and highly resistant to overvoltage and reverse voltage as compared with other capacitors. Capacitor of this type is used in wide applications ranging from navigation systems requiring high performance and high reliability to AV (audio and visual) equipment and camera flashes. Low impedance Lead-free reflow soldering 應用

計算機和計算機周邊, 國防, 軍用與航空, 多媒體, 消費電子產品





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