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發布時間:2022/4/23 9:45:00 訪問次數:80 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司


Look no further than theON SemiconductorNCP1234BD65R2Gcurrent controller, perfect for dealing with varying levels of voltage between circuits. This current mode controller supports flyback topology. Its single PWM output produces a current of 500 mA. It has a switching frequency of 65(Typ) kHz. In order to guarantee safe delivery and allow for quick mounting of this component after delivery, it will be enclosed in tape and reel packaging during shipment. This device has a minimum operating supply voltage of -0.3 V and a maximum of 28 V. This current mode controller has a minimum operating temperature of -40 °C and a maximum of 150 °C. This current mode controller"s maximum duty cycle is 80(Typ) %.





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