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發布時間:2022/5/11 10:45:00 訪問次數:64 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

評估板, PIC16F1947插入式模塊, 插入PIC18 Explorer板

TheMA160016is a PIC16F1947 plug in module (PIM). The PIC16F1947 is a versatile 64 pin microcontroller and is also a member of extreme low power microcontroller family featuring nanoWatt XLP technology. This plug in module is an accessory to the PIC18 explorer board, PICDEM LCD2 demonstration board and XLP 8bit development platform. Which allows users to evaluate and develop with the PIC16F193x/194x family of microcontrollers. Additionally, this provides a platform for general purpose development and gives the ability to develop code for any PIC12F1xxx/PIC16F1xxx microcontroller.





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