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發布時間:2023/4/25 11:58:00 訪問次數:51 發布企業:兆億微波(北京)科技有限公司

General description

The TJA1021 is the interface between the Local Interconnect Network (LIN) master/slave protocol controller and the physical bus in a LIN. It is primarily intended for in-vehicle sub-networks using baud rates from 1 kBd up to 20 kBd and is LIN 2.1/SAE J2602 compliant. The TJA1021 is pin-to-pin compatible with the TJA1020 with an improved ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) specification.

Features and benefits


LIN 2.1/SAE J2602 compliant

Baud rate up to 20 kBd

Very low ElectroMagnetic Emission (EME)

High ElectroMagnetic Immunity (EMI)

Passive behavior in unpowered state

Input levels compatible with 3.3 V and 5 V devices

Integrated termination resistor for LIN slave applications

Wake-up source recognition (local or remote)

Supports K-line like functions

Pin-to-pin compatible with TJA1020



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