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發布時間:2023/3/14 10:22:00 訪問次數:58 發布企業:深圳德田科技有限公司



制造商:Xilinx產品種類:FPGA - 現場可編程門陣列RoHS:詳細信息系列:XC6SLX45邏輯元件數量:43661 LE輸入/輸出端數量:218 I/O電源電壓-最小:1.14 V電源電壓-最大:1.26 V最小工作溫度:- 40 C最大工作溫度:+ 100 C數據速率:-收發器數量:-安裝風格:SMD/SMT封裝 / 箱體:CSBGA-324商標:Xilinx分布式RAM:401 kbit內嵌式塊RAM - EBR:2088 kbit最大工作頻率:1080 MHz濕度敏感性:Yes邏輯數組塊數量——LAB:3411 LAB工作電源電壓:1.2 V產品類型:FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array工廠包裝數量:1子類別:Programmable Logic ICs商標名:Spartan單位重量:16.396 g

Spartan-6 FPGA Electrical Characteristics Spartan®-6 LX and LXT FPGAs are available in various speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. The DC and AC electrical parameters of the Automotive XA Spartan-6 FPGAs and Defense-grade Spartan-6Q FPGAs devices are equivalent to the commercial specifications except where noted. The timing characteristics of the commercial (XC) -2 speed grade industrial device are the same as for a -2 speed grade commercial device. The -2Q and -3Q speed grades are exclusively for the expanded (Q) temperature range. The timing characteristics are equivalent to those shown for the -2 and -3 speed grades for the Automotive and Defense-grade devices. Spartan-6 FPGA DC and AC characteristics are specified for commercial (C), industrial (I), and expanded (Q) temperature ranges. Only selected speed grades and/or devices might be available in the industrial or expanded temperature ranges for Automotive and Defense-grade devices. References to device names refer to all available variations of that part number (for example, LX75 could denote XC6SLX75, XA6SLX75, or XQ6SLX75). The Spartan-6 FPGA -3N speed grade designates devices that do not support MCB functionality.


LMR50410YQDBVRQ1 RC19008A100GND#KB0 ACS781LLRTR-100U-T ISO7242CD PIC24FJ32GA004-I/PT MCP39F511-E/MQ BLUENRG-355AT 5M2210ZF256C5N EN6347QI EPM570M100C5N 5M2210ZF324I5N 10M16SAU324I7G EP3SL110F1152C4G EN5339QI EPM1270T144C5N 5M2210ZF324C5N 10M04SAU324I7G EPM1270F256C5N 10M50DDF256C8G 10M50DAF256C8G EPM1270F256I5N 10M08SAU324I7G 10M04SCU169C8G 10M08SAU169I7G 10M04SAU324I7G 10M08SCU169C8G 10M08SAU169C8G 10M08SCU324C8G 5M240ZT100C5N 10M04DAU324C8G EPCQ4ASI8N LPC1850FET256,551 TCAN1044AVDRBRQ1 LM76002QRNPRQ1 TCAN1044DRBRQ1 CC2640R2FRHBR





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